Category: Customer Service and MECs

Does pregnancy count as one?

Hi; I just did an application with a couple who are pregnant.  Does the baby count as one giving them a family of three instead of two?  Their income is $59,678.96 annually.  For a family of three this would make them eligible for a ConnectorCare 3B plan.  For a Family of two it puts them […]

Masshealth Assister Line and Customer Service Line

Hello, Today when making a call to Masshealth Assister Line the call seems to be answered but it stays silent and then it eventually drops. This morning alone, I called three times and the representatives put me on hold over 5 minutes, then drop the call. I’ve been hearing the same complaint from clients who try to […]

Masshealth Enrollment Center (Chelsea office)

We have many patients that tell us about their experience when they go visit the MEC in Chelsea. Patients complain that they go prepared to the Chelsea office to renew, and representatives tell them that they will assist with their renewals but renewals are not being processed and no eligibility is given to the member. When they […]

Eligibility not crossing to the the MMIS system

I saw a member on 8/17/18 he was termed for not doing his renewal. I helped him complete his renewal thru the  portal, member was approved for mass health care plus. 8/21/18 member was not showing active called the MH assister line to check why was told the member should complete a renewal. told the […]

Feedback Needed: MassHealth Disability Process by 10/12

Hello Loopers,  There have been many conversation threads regarding issues with the process for people applying for MassHealth due to having an illness or disability. MassHealth is taking inventory of the process and creating new training materials. We have the opportunity to provide feedback. Please post to this thread about barriers you have seen with the current […]