Author: Eli Stark

application link to existing account

Hi all,  The Health Connector and MH used to be able to email a link to an email for someone who had an existing optum account already. i.e. they started app online but finished via paper and now have coverage via the determination from the paper app. The online application originally never even went so […]

Disability and wrong eligibility det

Hi all,  Got a household that should be ConnectorCare eligible, but one spouse we checked as having disabilities, and not sure if that’s why, but we’re getting the right CC determination for one non-disabled spouse (non-disabled), and “Health Connector Plans” for the disabled spouse. MassHealth doesn’t recognize that he’s eligible for CommonHealth or anything, no TPL […]

Verifications stopping NEW eligibility determinations?!

Hi all,  Had a very very frustrating morning with a client who had MassHealth, was terminated because she “failed to cooperate with the quality assurance unit (for MassHealth)” (direct quote from a letter to her from MH) despite sending in all of her verifications, and then when we submitted a new app, was kept from […]

Fraudulent brokers?

Hi all,  I have a client who has been charged $139/mo for “ConnectorCare type 2” after working with some guy who said he was from Chesapeake Insurance that she reached after dialing what she thought was the Health Connector’s number. She is currently on MassHealth CarePlus, and the Health Connector *does* have her application, but assured […]