Category: Application and Notices

MassHealth Redet Phase 2 Materials

MassHealth released the MassHealth Redetermination Phase 2 Outreach Toolkit. You can read the full update from MassHealth here. You can download materials in 9 languages and share them with the members you work with! You can also have people check out the page as well as HCFA’s page about the outreach campaign. -Hannah

Is HPE (Hospital-Determined Presumptive Eligibility) the same as HSN Presumptive Determination?

MassHealth put out a provider bulleting talking about the “Hospital-Determined Presumptive Eligibility (HPE)” updated during Covid.   It explains the detailed process on how HPE trained CAC’s may determine whether an individual is eligible for HPE application.     Is this the same as the HSN Presumptive Determination application? I explained that we as CAC’S can’t do […]

Young adult terminated from CarePlus after reporting a new address

Hi Loopers, We recently  met a young person who had been on her mother’s MassHealth application & had her MassHealth protected since 2021 when she turned 21 and her  income first went over 133% FPL.  She was her mother’s ARD and submitted their 2022 renewal online, only now she was no longer living with her […]

Limitation to the Coverage Determination due to PHE

Although the PHE continues, the Mass Health public notice indicates that the coverage extension will be allowed for most clients, not all. I’ve already had three clients who received a notice from Mass Health indicating they need to reapply for coverage because they are turning 65 and need to submit a SACA.

Monthly Report Data Collection

Hi fellow Navigators, My name is Buliah Mae, Lead Navigator for the Hilltown Community Health Centers.  Our three-person team is  currently considering new ways to track our monthly report data and are interested in how other health centers do this. What are the pros and cons? Is the program web based? Is the program customized […]