Author: Jason Cuddihy

ConnectorCare + HSN

My team is beginning to encounter issues with a number of cases that have had the “ConnectorCare + HSN” eligibility code applied in MMIS (we’ll presume it was properly applied). The problem occurs when the individual is no longer eligible for ConnectorCare (i.e. becomes “Health Connector” eligible w/o premium tax credits) because the “ConnectorCare + HSN” […]

MH Terminations

Our office has received several termination notices this week for MH / HSN members where the termination reason was: “The person did not cooperate with the Quality Assurance Unit (for MassHealth). 130 CMR 501.010(C).” I called the MEC and reps there (as well as their supervisors) had never seen these notices before and were unable to explain exactly […]

MH CommonHealth for Seniors

I’m hoping someone can enlighten me on the MH CommonHealth working disabled eligibility requirements for individuals 65 and older. My understanding is that in order to be grandfathered in, an individual has to be deemed disabled prior to turning 65 and already meeting the work requirement. However, what happens if that individual loses eligibility (either […]

MassHealth Limited / ConnectorCare

I had a Connector CSR tell me today that I couldn’t request an Administrative SEP for someone who had MH Limited / eligibility for ConnectorCare (but didn’t know to enroll) [qualified noncitizen barred] unless their MH Limited was cancelled “because that’s Minimum Essential Coverage.” Someone please me they’re wrong. I dug through all the policies/regulations/guidance […]