Author: Imelda Culbert


Hi, The increase in the number of people losing benefits due to failure to provide verifications coupled with the lag time in processing those verifications, once received by the State,  is so frustrating. The Assister line has been such a good resource in the past but lately everything seems to have come to a halt. Imelda

Unsubsidized policy; DMH only

Hi, I had a mother call this morning inquiry about an unsubsidized insurance policy for her newborn. She states she has called both MassHealth and the Connector and received conflicting information. Mom has an individual health plan through her employer; she states the cost for a family plan is very high. Can she purchase, through the […]

Reporting income

Hi, A patient who applied for benefits in October came in this week to report a change of income. When she completed her application in October she was awarded CarePlus as she was recently laid off with no source of income. I called the state with the patient this morning because the new FPL, patient […]

Connector Care and QHP

Hi, I had a patient call regard a QHP,  Harvard Pilgrim Plan. Patient is under 300% FPL and would be eligible for  ConnectorCare but patient does not want any of the plans offered through the program. Can she enroll in Harvard Pilgrim  and use her advanced premium tax credits to offset her monthly premiums? She understands the ConnectoreCare plan would […]