Author: Ly Nguyen

Confusing messaging for clients transitiong from MH standard to MH careplus

Hello Loopers,  I had a call from a client who got a Masshealth notice stating she no longer qualified for insurance because of immigration status or her income was too high. She has $0 income and she is a US citizen. After talking with Masshealth, they stated it was because she turned 22 and was being moved […]

Residency notarized letter needed- I thought not

Hi Loopers, I called the HC assister line with a client today who needed to provide residency information. We talked with HC assister Shaqora (who was very kind, accommodating, and nice) about writing a letter stating he lives at the current address- my client is not on the lease and doesn’t have utilities in his name.  Shaqora stated […]

MMIS down

Hi Loopers, MMIS is down currently. When logging in it state “NewMMIS Temporarily unavailable. The NewMMIS application will be unavailable until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.” We noticed within the past 30 minutes or so. Anyone else having this issue?  

Signing/Filling out documents electronically

Hi All, I found an easy and free way to have consumers sign and complete documents (i.e: ARD forms, CAC/Navigator designation forms, Signing a paper application) all from the comfort of their IPhones, Smartphones, Tablets, and computers.   This app is called SignEasy and can be downloaded on any consumers device and emailed back to CAC’s/Navigators all electronically. […]

HSN approval letters for Current MH members

Two consumers (seperate households) currently on Masshealth, received HSN approval notices out of the blue stating they need additional information within 90 days or they’ll lose their HSN. When viewing consumers in MMIS their Masshealth insurance is still active. People are worried they’ve lost insurance which is not the case. Has anyone else seen this issue?